Our Choir
Our 60-member chorus is ecumenical, with participants across many faith traditions from all over the tri-state area, who all share a passion for singing sacred masterworks in sacred spaces.
We are honored to to sing with emerging young artists from such notable institutions as the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music, Xavier University, St. Xavier High School, and others. We are especially proud to have several members in our chorus who have been with Musica Sacra for over 30 years!
Click here for audition information.
Our Performances
Our regular season concerts feature a live orchestra of professional musicians, and are always free of charge and open to the public.
Recent performances have been held at St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, KY (as part of their long-time Cathedral Concert Series), Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Hyde Park, and St. Boniface Church in Northside.