High School Choral Apprentice Program
As part of Musica Sacra’s ongoing commitment to music education outreach, we are pleased to announce the continuation of our High School Choral Apprentice Program.
Participation is FREE – but space is limited!
A limited number of spaces are available for local junior & senior high school students with demonstrated vocal talent, self discipline, and a passion for choral music who might not otherwise have the opportunity to perform masterworks of choral literature with a live orchestra.
In addition to submitting an application with parent/guardian consent, students must be nominated by their high school music teacher, or submit a letter of recommendation. A brief interview/audition may also be required.
How this works…
Students participating in this program will learn and perform alongside members of our chorus under the baton of our Music Director, Dr. L. Brett Scott, or this season’s Apprentice Conductor. In addition, students will also receive individualized vocal coaching and/or small group instruction from designated mentors at each rehearsal. Access to online practice aids and sheet music (loaned) will be provided.
To learn more, explore the links below, or click here to contact our Education Programs Coordinator.

For Students
- HSCA Student Application Form (Fillable PDF)
- Recommendation Letter Guidelines (PDF)
- Link to Online Practice Aids

For Parents/Caregivers
- High School Program Details – 2025 (PDF)
- Parent/Guardian consent to participate is included in the HSCA Student Application Form form.